Legal Business Startup and Structure
Articles of Organization
Employer Identification Number (EIN)
Articles of Operation
Legal Startup, Structure & Formation Assistance
At Inspiring Connections, we provide Limited Liability Corporation (LLC) formation assistance. If you need assistance with establishing your LLC, feel free to contact us or schedule a complimentary Discovery Call.
An EIN is a unique nine digit number that identifies a business entity on a federal level. It is also known as a federal tax identification number. An EIN number is used to identify the business in dealings with the IRS and other tax agencies, banks, credit card processors, and other entities. It can also be used to open bank accounts, apply for loans, or set up retirement plans. The benefits of having an EIN number are:
- Access to open bank accounts and establish lines of business credit
- Access to apply for government contracts
- Capabilities to apply for tax exemptions
An Articles of Operations is a document that helps protect legal rights within your organization. It helps to define the business roles and operations within your company. Although it is not a legal requirement, it is importantly helpful to have in black and white so that all organizational parties and relative extensions will know the defined outlines within business operations and roles which creates structure and order within your establishment. Need assistance to create an Articles of Operation document? We are here to assist.
Have a business name on mind? Feel free to check its availability within your Secretary of State.
Disclaimer: At Inspiring Connections, LLC, we are not attorneys nor are we in the position to offer legal advice. Any and all information provided on this Site is information that is deemed as credible sources and resources. For any legal advice and assistance, please seek an attorney.
Schedule Your Discovery Call Today
If you need assistance with setting up your Articles of Organization "LLC", EIN Number or Articles or Operation schedule your Discovery Call to get started.
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